Surfing Organizations > The
Surfrider Spirit Sessions Program > The Surfer Spirit
The Surfer Spirit
Buy The Surfer
Spirit - Proceeds go to the
Surfrider Spirit Sessions Fund
About the Book:
"The Surfer Spirit" is a book unlike any other surf
Written and produced by surfers it captures the true spirit
of surfing and its significance in our daily lives. Surfing
more than a sport, or a "lifestyle". Our need to surf
goes beyond trends, fashion, ego, competition and camaraderie.
It's the way we, as surfers, experience the essential spirit
of LIFE.
Stunning in its simplicity, the book features 54 pages of
dramatic photos with simple yet profound sentiments that reflect
how surfing keeps us in communion with nature and reconnects
us with our spirit.
"The Surfer Spirit" is a book every surfer knows
by heart before they even open it. It's a "must have"
for anyone who surfs or wants to understand the allure of
Featuring photos of:
Kelly Slater
Taj Burrows
Perry Dane
Rochelle Ballard
Epic Waves
and more... |
Surfer Reviews:
Mel Pu'u - World Renown Waterman & Makaha
Lifeguard "People sometimes ask me,
'Hey Mel, what church do you go to?'. I tell them I go
to the ocean. That's where I go when I need to connect.
For me it's not about any particular religion, it's about
life around us. This book shows how surfing is like life." |
Bonga Perkins - World Surf Champion US &
Hawaii Surf Champion "I find peace in
the ocean. I go there to find calm and get it together.
Sometimes my kids surf with me; the water brings us together
and we just have fun and relax. It's how my family stays
close. There really is a spirit out there." |
Lama Kinley - Buddhist Monk & New Surfer
"When I first saw the ocean it made me relax. The
stress disappeared immediately. I found the waves put
you in harmony. When I first stood, I found myself gliding,
and I was totally in the present moment. I felt nothing
else. Everything else falls away. It was very good. A
book like this, which reminds us of that, is also very
good." |
Ramsay Taum - Kumu (teacher) of Native Hawaiian
Practices "This book is moving and insightful.
The Hawaiian tradition of surfing is a dance with nature,
a celebration of the unity between humans, the environment
and spirit. Reading this book, you can almost feel yourself
surfing and it definitely stirs something in you."
Buy The Surfer
Spirit - Proceeds go to the Surfrider
Spirit Sessions Fund
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