Filed in: Shaper Reviews (Hawaii) | On: July 23rd, 2008 | Comments: (14)
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Filed in: Shaper Reviews (Hawaii) | On: July 23rd, 2008 | Comments: (14) Since 1967 – Our Shapers have been providing Surfboards throughout the world, shaping surfboards renowned for their performance and by far some of the highest quality boards on the market today. All Surfboards from Riff Raff are hand shaped with a variety of High quality Blanks from US Blanks to Biofoam even Balsa and Koa and colored by some of the finest Artist in the US, fitted with Custom Island Fins (made in Hawaii) designed by our Shapers and finished with a High Gloss Polish by the most reputable Glassers in the islands. Our surfboards are unique offering the best of the past, bringing it to the present, boards that ride great and look impressive. Riff Raff board builders come from various backgrounds and shaping styles, creating surfboards for such riders as Dino Miranda, Sunny Garcia, Martin Potter, Rusty Keaulana, Johnny Boy Gomes and many more. But they all have one thing in common, the love for the “classic old school” board, thus we are able to create a unique line up of custom surfboards, from all eras. When you order a board from Riff Raff you have the piece of mind that your board is truly custom, no two boards are alike, as they are hand crafted from start to finish solely for you, the rider. Riff Raff Surfboards pride themselves on keeping you updated throughout your build. Once your order is complete we`ll register you into our Private Online Status Page, where you can get an up to date progress report on your surfboard build. Just another reason to choose Riff Raff Surfboards as your board building company.
From All at Riff Raff Surfboards Aloha! 14 Comments »By participating in online discussions you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the TERMS OF SERVICE. Any violations of these terms may result in account suspension or deactivation. Please keep your comments civil and in good taste. To report a comment, email info@surfboardshack.comkeoni yen, on September 8, 2008 @ 7:52 pm |I heard you were looking for team riders. I’m into anything with twin and quad fins….some one plus two to bonzers. I ride mostly my custom fish and 78 twin stinger from P. Rawson(like in the picture above, my go to board for any condition). Infact Akila Aipa is going to make me a suped up MR Twin soon. I’m older than the aveerage 23 year old but, I still love to ride like I still am that age. The pictures of boards you have on your website are the kinds I love to ride. I’ll send the pictures of my boards if you are interested. Aloha-Keoni Randal M, on November 5, 2008 @ 2:20 pm |my board came out a beauty!! really one of the best shapes and highest quality boards ive seen in a long time! thanks nick…great one! plankmaster, on December 4, 2008 @ 5:58 am |the retro looks like a belly board from spongebob… ghey jeffery Chun, on February 3, 2009 @ 8:53 am |I bought a custom 5.9 disc from riff raff surfboards about 6 weeks ago and have been surfing it in all types of conditions, for alittle board it suprised me. First placed i surfed this board was at tracks, the transition was smooth, it was an easy board to ride, it felt like i had been surfing it for a few years! it had so much drive, but at the same time it was fluid, really, really smooth… just an incredibly enjoyable ride. in the past few weeks i have, taken drops, popped ariels, barrels (gallore), surfed from 2ft to 8ft, indured onshore crap to some of the cleanest days at diamond head, everytime i surf this board i find something new that i like about it… more than impressed… thanks for the board… have a good new year! Aloha Jeffery cusimaro, on May 8, 2009 @ 10:24 am |holy crap!! BIG THANKS TO NICK!!! I WAS GOING TO WRITE A A BIG REVIEW ON MY CUSTOM SHORTBOARD FROM NICK – AND ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS “INSANE” … K Sumikawa, on May 28, 2009 @ 1:58 pm |beautiful boards, fast turn around, really happy with the service. -wt-, on December 30, 2009 @ 11:29 am |just got my board from hawaii, i am in NZ… amazing, amazing, amazing… the ride was incredible, prices are resonable for the true craftmanship and quility work… thanks nick marcello, on April 8, 2010 @ 12:16 am |Aloha Kaimana. K, on April 30, 2010 @ 1:02 pm |NO1 PERFORMANCE SURFBOARD SHAPER IN THE ISLANDS! love my stick nick Leave a comment |
Aiko Hirano, on July 29, 2008 @ 1:14 pm |
i just bought a board from nick thomson at riff raff surfboards, and i am amazed at the quality.
i have been buying direct from mandala for over 2 years and it s been a hassle to ship. NOW i am really excited to see how my second order turns out from nick.
the shape was flawless, and i am really happy with his skills the board is probably the fastes ive ever riden (quad fish, 5.9 x 20 3/8 x 2 3/8).
the board turns phenominally, i have riden the board in surf between 2-4 ft hawaiian and some set around 5-6 ft AND IT HANDLED! i was really surpise (but glad!).
the glass job was one of the nicest too (and its on island) i got a brown resin tint and the polish was reall, really fine.
all i can say is, “at last” i am behond happy with my board and would recommend it to anyone who like to ride classic/retro shapes of a high quality, i paid $630 for mine, which is a deal considering the quality compaired to the price of matching surfboards out there on the market.
MAHALO NICK!! and see you in a few months for that single fin i wanted!!! ALOHA AIKO